The tolerant one

So I started to date this girl. Beautiful, intelligent maybe a little intense but really passionate about what she believes in. One of the first conversations we ever had (well I say conversation but it was more like a lecture) was on the evils of artificial food colourings.
That should have given me a clue as to what I was getting myself into but I figured it would all work out ok.
A few dates in and it started to dawn on me exactly what I'd let myself in for. Have you ever tried going out to dinner with someone who has over 30 food intolerances of varying severity?
Eating at home wasn't a lot better. The time was I'd grab whatever I felt like eating from the supermarket shelves and that would be that. Suddenly I was dropped into a world where I had to not only try and remember the list of things that she can't eat but also to remember the E numbers that go with them. This has resulted in multiple incidents of talking to myself in public ('Right, sunset yellow. Is that E110 or E111? Hmmmm.') and, at least initially, doubling the amount of time I spent in there.
Then she started to cook for me.
Lots of fresh vegetables? Great.
Brown rice? Takes a little longer to cook but I'm ok with that.
Sorry, nope. I've got to draw the line somewhere and that line goes straight through wobbly spongelike objects with no discernible flavour of their own.

So now fast forward eight years. We're happily married, we've figured out a few different types of cuisine that work for her so we can go out to dinner (Japanese and Middle Eastern in case you were wondering) and due to the improvements in my diet I'm feeling pretty healthy.

I still don't do tofu though...

Lets be clear.
This blog isn't about me.
I have a robust system that can handle pretty much any piece of junk I care to throw at it and given the opportunity I will.
My interjections, interruptions and insights (such as they are) will be firmly from that perspective.
We don't cook two different meals every time so I eat all the foods that my wife can, I tend not to have the things she can't and I'm always there when she's trying out a new recipe as a willing guinea pig.
So if you're living with an intolerant wife/husband/significant other but you're not then I'll let you know what eating this sort of food (when you don't actually have to) is really like.